The smart way to start a business

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Your Company (The Business Plan)

The business plan must give background information on the company being created.

The clear presentation of the initial position offers transparency.

Thereby it is of great importance to keep in mind the following points:

·What is the idea that will lead you to success?
·What experience do you have in the field?
·Who are the founders and what is their contribution to the success of the firm? What enable them to realize this idea?
·How should the stock structure look? Will there be restrictions on the transfer of shares or a shareholders agreement?
·Why has no one else implemented the idea to this point in time?
·When should the business be launched and which entity for should it assume?
·What is the business goal?

Existing companies that change their entity type to accommodate growth or to pull in fresh capital should use this chapter to outline the development of the company to date followed by a description of the current situation and of the next steps to be taken.

Further information and an outline on how to write a good business plan can be found here.

Starting your business or changing the type of business entity that your company already has can be easy. STARTUPS.CH offers you professional consulting throughout the entirety of the process and thereafter. You can register for a consultation here or request free informational material.

On STARTUPS TV you can watch interesting reports on the topic of successful business starts, with plenty of information, tips and tricks to help you do the same.


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