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Win one of three tickets to the first Fempreneur Summit in Berlin

Win one of three tickets to the first ever Fempreneur Summit taking place in Berlin on 9 June. It’s aimed specifically at women with an interest in being their own bosses, starting up new businesses, and entrepreneurship. The event will be delivered by female entrepreneurs, business founders, and coaches, and provides an insight into their working lives and their experiences as founders. 



Increasing numbers of female founders

Founding a business was once seen as the preserve of men, but now more and more women are taking the leap into self-employment. STARTUPS.CH reports that around 25% of new business founders are women, compared to 23% in the previous year. That means that roughly one new business in four is started by a woman. However, in Germany, the proportion is somewhat lower, at just 13%. The Fempreneur Summit 2016 aims to correct this by providing support to women who would like to start their own businesses.

Fempreneur Summit in Berlin

The Fempreneur Summit will be held in the Babylon Cinema, in Berlin’s famous Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse (with more details available at
Taking the leap into being your own boss doesn’t just take courage and an appetite for risk; it also needs specialist subject knowledge. The programme therefore contains a variety of keynote speeches and round table discussions with start-up founders who will share experiences from their working lives and their roles as entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, a relaxed networking opportunity is on the agenda for the evening, during the “Fempreneurs’ Night Out.”

Partnership between STARTUPS.CH and the Fempreneur Summit
That’s precisely where the partnership between STARTUPSH.CH and the Fempreneur Summit kicks in. Topics like networking and fundamental questions such as company formation in other countries, legislative risks, and tax planning, are too important to overlook, both during the start-up phase and at later stages such as entering new export markets. A sound business model ultimately requires a proper legal framework, which is why experts with years of experience, country-specific knowledge and an extensive network within the sector will be in attendance. STARTUPS.CH has already prepared a good overview of Swiss legal forms and has published it at:

Fempreneur Summit 2016 contest

As part of this collaboration, we’re holding a draw to win one of three tickets to the Fempreneur Summit in Berlin. If you’d like to take part, simply respond in the comments with your personal answer to the following question: “Why would you like to travel to Berlin for the Fempreneur Summit 2016?” The closing date is 18.05.2016.
Good luck!

One comment about “Win one of three tickets to the first Fempreneur Summit in Berlin

  1. I’d love to travel to Berlin for Fempreneur Summit 2016 because I’m a big fan of Maxi’s work and as I’m pregnant and working as a freelancer right now, I know it’s my time to do something great!

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