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Trademark protection: How can a trademark be protected?

Trademark protection can be used to protect graphically representable signs so that they cannot be used by other companies.

Trademark protection

A trademark is a protected sign that a company can use to distinguish its goods or services from those of another company.
Customers associate certain characteristics with successful brands. For example, a trademark is considered to be of high quality or particularly prestigious. With the protection of original logos or names, a product can be legally protected so that competitors no longer have the opportunity to copy the product. The trademark owner has the exclusive right to use a trademark. The owner can either use the trademark himself or give third parties the possibility to dispose of it by means of a license.

What can be protected?

According to the Trademark Protection Act, all graphically representable signs can be trademarks in the sense of the law. The only requirement is that they serve as a distinguishing feature to differentiate one’s own goods and services from those of competitors. Thus, the following things can be registered:

  • Words, word marks
  • Combinations of letters
  • Number combinations
  • Figurative representations, logo
  • Three-dimensional marks
  • Slogans
  • Sound sequences

A trademark is registered with the Institute of Intellectual Property (IIP). The IGE examines the trademark and registers it if the requirements are met. The fee is CHF 550 and includes a protection period of 10 years. Company founders who manufacture products or offer services are particularly interested in individual trademarks.

We will gladly take over the registration of your trademark and guide you through the process. You can book the registration of a trademark on our website under “Services”; afterwards, we will contact you by telephone, explain the process and prepare the relevant documents.

If you would like a consultation in advance, you are also welcome to book this on our website.

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