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SEF.High-Potential award for Nexus AG

The Swiss Economic Forum has distinguished the Nexus AG with the SEF.High-Potential award. The holding company of STARTUPS.CH passed the three-step process and was given the award for its high growth potential.

SEF.High-Potential award

SEF.High-Potential award
The Swiss Economic Forum awards the SEF.High-Potential quality label to SMEs with proven growth potential. This potential is reviewed in a three-step process by an interdisciplinary team of entrepreneurs and other experts. The SEF qualification process is qualitatively demanding and certified by the SQS.

The Nexus AG can use the award for public relations and communication with business partners until April the 14th, 2015. Thus, the holding benefits from increased acceptance among customers and potential partners.

The Nexus AG and STARTUPS.CH would like to thank the experts of the Swiss Economic Forum for the award.

For more information on the Nexus AG, go to

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