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Registered office regulations in Switzerland

In Switzerland there are certain regulations that govern the registered office or domicile of a company. In the case of legal entities the location must be established within the statues of the company and its address must be entered into the commercial register.  

Registered office regulations

Every business must report an address at which the registered offices can be contacted. This address is also at times called the legal domicile of a company. According to Art.2 Sec. C of the Swiss Commercial Register Code (HRegV), each address must contain the following:

Postal code
City, Town or County Name

A differentiation must be made as to whether the address is the own office of the company or simply a “c/o” address.  own office would be a location which a legal entity owns or leases and where it conducts most of its administrative business where the receipt of any kind of correspondence is possible. As long as these requirements are not met, the address must be considered a c/o address. A PO Box cannot be considered a domicile in the legal sense. If a legal entity does not have offices at the location of domicile that is entered into the commercial register, an entry must be made that indicates where the legal domicile is located. The regulations governing legal can be found under Art 117 Para. 3 HRegV. Both natural and legal persons can hold a legal domicile. By the entry into the commercial register, the holder of the domicile must confirm granting permission for the legal entity to have legal domicile at that location.
In the case of the movement of domicile from a foreign country to Switzerland, Art. 126 must be observed.


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