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Blog Hire household aids in just a few steps over this online platform

Are you looking for help around the house? Over the online platform it’s easy to find help without much hassle or a great deal of effort.


The idea for the business sprung from a need to make this common problem more easily manageable. Daniel Moser (31) and David Christen (26) were surprised at the amount of administrative work required when looking to hire household help. Registration with the compensation office, the taking out of insurances, and the regular creation of payslips are only a few examples. The two gentlemen started, a online platform that can take care of the time consuming process of hiring household help. All that is left for you to do is to fill out an online form. The rest is taken care of by the small team at, which has ample experience in dealing with the authorities, insurance, payslip administration and employment law. With a simple registration, the process of dealing with the informing and accounting with the compensation office is taken care of and, moreover, using a personalized login, you can gain access to customized documents, such as work contracts, should you need them. The support staff, which can be reached everyday of the week, can answer any questions you may have regarding the hiring of border-crossing employees, holiday compensation, or illness of the employee. One central idea , however, is also to provide the customer with particularly affordable accident insurance made possible through partner organizations. You can find more information under

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