The smart way to start a business

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New Ideas for your Business – QUERDENKER-TAG 2014

Lighting up your inspiration is what the Querdenker-Tag is all about. Don’t miss your chance to take part on the 14th of March 2014 in the Volkshaus Zurich. more…

Online shop for a start-up – a serious player for product retail

In recent years the internet has turned into a serious player for product retail in the BtoB and BtoC market. But don’t think the internet will do the work for you. Here are some key facts that start-ups should keep in mind when establishing their own online distribution channel. more…

Change in legal form – the Merger Act

The Merger Act allows a corporation to change its legal form. Moreover, the Merger Act allows spin-offs, conversions and transfers of assets and liabilities. more…

What ist Lex Koller?

Lex Koller is a federal law that regulates the purchase of real estate by foreign individuals. The law goes all the way back to the 1980’s when it was first introduced. more…

Registered office regulations in Switzerland

In Switzerland there are certain regulations that govern the registered office or domicile of a company. In the case of legal entities the location must be established within the statues of the company and its address must be entered into the commercial register.   more…

Rights of a Company Member in a Limited Liability Company (LLC/GmbH)

In a Limited Liability Company (LLC or GmbH), members enjoy both financial and non-financial rights. These rights are outlined under the Swiss Code of Obligations and can be categorized as follows. 1. Financial Rights 2. Non-Financial Rights Comparison with Public Limited Companies LLCs offer broader participation rights to members compared to public limited companies, emphasizing […] more…

The duties of a company member in a GmbH

In the following article we will touch upon the responsibilities and duties of business partners in a limited liability company (GmbH). more…

Sufficient number of apprenticeships in Switzerland

In Switzerland, there appears to be a sufficient number of apprenticeships available to the young workforce. In fact, the number of available positions exceeds the demand. more…

New training course: the clever way to start a business

STARTUPS.CH is offering a new training course “The clever way to start a business”. In this evening lecture you can receive helpful information that can aid you starting your own business of becoming self-employed. more…

The Heuberger Winterthur Entrepreneurship Prize recognizes the most outstanding business ideas

Already for the sixth time, the Heuberger Winterthur Entrepreneurship Prize will be given out in December to the most outstanding business ideas/service/product; namely those with a good combination of innovationand growth potential. The applcation deadline for the entrepreneurship cntest is on August 27 2013. more…