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Mutual obligations in an employment contract

The obligations of employers and employees under an employment contract are explained in the following blog post.

Employee obligations

These obligations can be divided into three categories. These are the general obligation to work, the duty of loyalty and care, and individual contractual obligations.

The general duty to work includes the obligation to provide a personal service, the obligation to work overtime or extra hours, and the obligation to follow instructions.

The duty of loyalty and diligence includes the obligation to work with care, the obligation to safeguard the employer’s interests, and the obligation to render accounts and communicate information.

Individual contractual obligations can be of various kinds. Possible obligations include, for example, the obligation to declare ancillary activities, the obligation to assign inventions, or the obligation of ongoing training.

Employer’s obligations

These are the obligation to pay wages and the obligation to provide assistance.

The obligation to pay wages is the employer’s main obligation. Wages may consist of a sum of money or wages in kind. Wages may be fixed or variable. In addition, there are salary supplements and bonuses. It should be noted that wages in kind are subject to the trucking ban. This means that the worker cannot be obliged to buy certain goods in the company store if this constitutes an element of the salary. On the other hand, the possibility of voluntarily purchasing products in the company store at an employee discount is permitted.

The duty to assist includes the protection of personality, the protection of assets and the promotion of economic advancement.

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