Market Entry US and Canada: New partnership
Peel Strategy & Development is a Canadian consulting company that specializes on business-to-business (B2B) advisory. Through this strategic partnership, the two companies are expanding their market potential in the start-up area.
Market Entry USA
The US is the second largest trading partner for Switzerland. In 2013 exported goods worth around 25 billion Swiss francs where shipped by Swiss companies to the United States (Source: Federal Statistical Office). The top export goods are pharmaceuticals, precision instruments and watches. In addition Switzerland and the US also exchange services such as consulting and insurance matters.
The North American market is often referred to as a “lead market”. Whoever want to be be successful in industries such as multimedia or genetic engineering, must be based in the US as well. Therefore many startups apply for authorization in the US market. One of these Swiss start-ups is Abionic. The spin-off of the EPFL Lausanne is currently in the process of an FDA 510k – Approval (US Food And Drug Administration). Abionic produces an allergy diagnostic device on a new level making the process must faster and more cost efficient.
Strategic Partner
So that STARTUPS.CH can give such startups the best support possible a strategic partnership with the company Peel Strategy & Development is now in place. Peel is a Canadian consulting firm working in the field of business-to-business (B2B) advisory. They are specialized specifically in helping European companies enter the market the US and Canadian markets. Peel provides at any market entry stage customized consulting costing between 2000-2900 CHF per month.
Are you planning to enter the US or Canadian market? Jean-Jerome Grieder of Peel Strategy & Development would be happy to advise you: