The smart way to start a business

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Interview with Oliver Meyer, Co-Founder of storabble

The company storabble was founded in 2021 by Oliver Meyer and three other young entrepreneurs. Storabble is a Swiss platform for comparing storage spaces. STARTUPS.CH met Oliver Meyer for an interview.

What were your motivations for founding your own company?

We recognised a problem – it is tedious to find a suitable storage space – and at the same time we were already aware of the suitable solution: a central platform for all storage space solutions. Our motivation to create a product that solves an effective problem was huge! Today, we are still happy about every single person who finds the right storage space through us.

Starting your own business is very exciting and often associated with many unanswered questions. How did you experience this phase?

The uncertainty makes everyday life extremely exciting! I like not knowing conclusively the evening before what’s going to happen the next day. It is also challenging at times. Job security is not an issue at all and long-term predictions about one’s own future are almost impossible. But to compensate for the high uncertainty, you get unique experiences, priceless learning opportunities and huge upside potential.

How has your life changed since you started your business?

The nights have become longer and the weekends shorter. In return, the working days are more exciting and varied.

What challenges might a start-up in your market face?

A peer-to-peer startup should plan enough resources to build the supply side and expect high CAC if the problem being solved for the providers is not urgent. Accordingly, our business model pivots towards professional providers. It is still possible for private individuals to offer storage space on storabble, but through our focus on professional providers, we were able to create one of the largest storage space offers in Switzerland within 3 weeks. Meanwhile, people looking for storage space can find a great offer on storabble.

What do you particularly like about your life as an entrepreneur/manager of a start-up?

The varied everyday life and especially the unique learning opportunities. Storabble gives me the opportunity to pitch in front of many people on a regular basis, to meet well-known CEOs and founders, to learn new skills in very different areas and to develop myself personally to an extreme degree.

What tips would you give to prospective company founders?

If you have a business idea, you should discuss it with potential customers and experts as early as possible. That way the product-market fit can be clarified and potential pitfalls can be identified early enough.

Final question: Why did you decide to found your company with STARTUPS.CH?

As first-time founders, we really appreciated that STARTUPS.CH took care of all the administrative aspects of founding a company.

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