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Venture Capital Switzerland: Financing Start-ups

Venture Capital in Switzerland is offered by some organisations. It is institutional equity, which is provided by specific funds. Venture Capital is provided mostly in the early Start-up-phase. Venture Capital funds finance Start-ups and offer higher amounts than Business Angels.


Venture Capital

Profile of Venture Capital:

  • Who: Specialised Funds (VCs) or Companies (Corporate VCs)
  • Investment: Money, Network to Co-Investors
  • Amount: Over CHF 500`000
  • Target of Investors Profit, Multiplication of Investment
  • Phase: Mostly in expansion phase, sometimes earlier
  • Quantity structure: Approximately CHF 600 Mio. per year

Some Venture Capital Organisations in Switzerland:

Tips and Tricks

Get in touch personally and early. You need a perfect business plan as well as an investment teaser and later the personal presentation in front oft he Venture Capitalist. Inform yourself good about branches in which the VC invests to increase your chances. An entertaining example is the TV show on Vox «Die Höhle der Löwen». Definitely the examples are exaggerated, but it can give you evidence about certain important questions. We support you and can offer advice from our experts and network.


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One comment about “Venture Capital Switzerland: Financing Start-ups

  1. Funding your business could be tricky especially if you are already eager to pursue and incorporate your business but what’s holding you back is the financial aspect. you don’t know whether getting a loan from banks could be a good option for you or not.

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