Establishing a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Switzerland, a legal Overview
In Switzerland, the limited liability company (LLC or GmbH) is one of the most popular and frequent legal forms. But what are the legal requirements for establishing a LLC? We will give you a brief overview of the most important points.

Minimum capital requirement: at least CHF 20,000 (fully paid up).
Company name: a fancy name is allowed. The name of the company must not be a single term from common parlance, such as Furniture Ltd. or Car Ltd. In addition, the company name must not be confusing or misleading.
Number of partners: at least one person (nationality is not relevant).
Management: at least one managing director domiciled in Switzerland, who must have signing authority for the company. Often the partner is also the managing director, so it can be the same person, but this is not mandatory.
Auditors: only required for companies with 10 or more employees.
VAT liability: only mandatory from a turnover of CHF 100,000, voluntary liability possible even before that.
Duration until registration: depending on the canton, from 10 days to 4 weeks. An express procedure is generally possible. This takes about 5 days, but may differ from canton to canton.
Foundation fees: from CHF 399, including notary fees (depending on the provider and the constellation/complexity of the company’s foundation).
Other costs: one-off registration fee of approximately CHF 500 to 700.
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