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Archive for category ‘Start-up & Entrepreneurship’

New entries into the commercial register in Q1 2013: Thurgau on the rise – Zurich remains stable

The number of new companies entered into the Swiss commercial register has remained stable for Q1 2013. When compared to the same quarter one year prior the numbers indicate an increase of 0.4% to a total of 10,105 entries. The clear sinner in terms of gains is the canton of Thurgau with an increase of 26%. The […] more

New entries into the commercial register for March 2013 compaered to last year’s numbers

Do the number of commercial register entries for March exceeds the numbers for the same month last year? The following entry gives insight. more is online!

Our Chilean branch,, is now online following more than half a year of planning and development. more

Trend in being self-employed

Being self-employed is very popular in Switzerland. Compared to other European countries Switzerland is on top. more

start-net offers the course “I’m becoming independent!” for entrepreneurs and other interested parties

Do you dream of financial independence? Are you planning to start your own business? Or do you simply wish to develop your entrepreneurial prowess? The new course offered by start-net is on the one hand a practice oriented guide to starting small and medium sized companies, and on the other hand a continued education for entrepreneurial-minded […] more

Jobs forecast predicts a stagnant jobs market

In the next three months one can expect a stagnation in jobs forecast. Overall there is a momentary dynamic weakness. more

New business starts in February

Can February 2013 beat the record numbers for new incorporations and new business starts from February 2012? Does February continue to support the trend for new company starts that has been projected? Find out below. more

The path to becoming your own boss: Equity requirements planning

On the path to becoming your own boss you must observe some point before and after starting your new business so that the entrepreneur is firmly financially grounded. The planning of capital or equity requirements helps to estimate the costs for the business. more

CTI Entrepreneurship – new courses for startups

Starting in March 2013, the Comission for Technology and Innovation (KTI) will offer new training courses with the CTI Entrepreneurship program modules “Business Creation” and “Business Development”. The course are brought to you by TECHNOPARK® ACADEMY with the cooperation of consortium partners. more

Starting a Sole Proprietorship in Switzerland While Living Abroad

Are you an entrepreneur living abroad? You might be pleased to know that residing in Switzerland is not a prerequisite to starting a sole proprietorship. This means that even if you live outside Switzerland, you can still establish and manage a Swiss company. This flexibility offers great opportunities for international entrepreneurs looking to tap into […] more