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Archive for category ‘Company (AG) Law’

The turn of the year: the ideal moment for a change in the legal form (particularly for the commutation of a sole proprietorship into a GmbH or AG)

As the year moves towards its end, it becomes time for an interim result. In doing so you will possibly decide that the sole proprietorship is not anymore the best legal form for your business. Possible reasons for this could be a strong growth in 2009, a foreseeable jump in sales in 2010 or the […] more

Swiss corporation (AG) shareholder duties

Payment under subscription: This is the only duty of a shareholder. He is bound to pay for the shares upon issue, either with money or with real assets.  Upon founding a corporation (AG), the shareholders have to pay at least 20% of the face amount, though at any rate at least a value of CHF […] more